1 Unidad de Endocrinología, Hospital Municipal T. Alvarez; 2 Fertilidad
Masculina, Hospital Nacional Bernardino Rivadavia, Buenos Aires
Key words:prepubertal varicocele, scrotal Doppler, prepubertal gonadal evaluation Abstract Hormonal, clinical and scrotal Doppler findings were assessed in 16 prepubertal patients having unilateral varicocele. As already described in pubertal patients, Doppler studies made it possible to detect patterns of prolonged, intermittent or permanent reflux. An LH-RH test and an hCG test measuring LH, FSH and testosterone (T) were performed in all cases. Patients with varicocele showed (median and range): LH B (mIU/ml): 0.40 (0.40-2.1); LH Mx.: 3.7 (1.1-15); FSH B (mIU/ml): 1.95 (0.40-4.5); FSH Mx.: 4.9 (3.1-10); T B (ng/ml): 0.2 (0.1-1.5); T Post.: 2.25 (0.82-11.5). The control group showed: LH B (mIU/ml): 0.40 (0.4-0.85); LH Mx.: 2.15 (0.63-12) FSH B (mIU/ml): 1.45 (0.4-3); FSH Mx.: 4.25 (2.6-5.9); T B (ng/ml): 0.1 (0.1-0.3); T Post.: 3.26 (1.0-5.6). No significant differences were found between the hormonal results of the different groups classified according to the scrotal findings. Basal LH and FSH in grade 3 varicoceles were found to be significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of the control group. Basal T, as well as the maximal response of both gonadotropins to LH-RH, and T response to hCG showed no significant differences with reference to the control group. Our findings provide indirect support to the notion that the gonadal damage would become detectable from puberty onwards. Resumen Varicocele prepuberal. Correlación entre hallazgos clínicos, hormonales y del Doppler escrotal El varicocele en la etapa prepuberal constituye un hallazgo poco frecuente. Por ello hemos evaluado un grupo de 16 pacientes prepúberes con varicocele unilateral confirmado por Doppler escrotal; correlacionando los hallazgos clínicos, bioquímicos y circulatorios. Al igual que lo previamente descripto en pacientes puberales el estudio mediante el Doppler nos permitió, identificar tres patrones de reflujo vernoso: prolongado, intermitente y permanente. En todos los casos se efectuó prueba de LH-RH (100 µg IV en bolo, con dosajes de LH y FSH a tiempos 0, 30, 60 y 90 min) y test de hCG (1000 U/día IM durante 5 días con dosaje de testosterona [T] basal y al 6° día). Los resultados se compararon con los de un grupo control de 8 prepúberes normales. Los pacientes con varicocele mostraron (mediana y rango) LH B (mUI/ml): 0,40 (0,4-2,1); LH Max.: 3,7 (1,1-15); FSH B (mUI/ml): 1,95 (0,4-4,5); FSH Max.: 4,9 (3,1-10); T B (ng/ml): 0,2 (0,1-1,5); T post.: 2,25 (0,82-11,5). El grupo control presentó LH B: 0,4 (0,4-0,85); LH Max.: 2,15 (0,63-12); FSH B: 1,45 (0,4-3,0); FSH Max.: 4,25 (2,6-5,9); T B: 0,1 (0,1-0,3); T post.: 3,26 (1,0- 5,6). No se hallaron diferencias significativas (Test de kruskal Wallis-Dunn test) en los resultados hormonales entre los controles y los diferentes grupos de varicoceles clasificados de acuerdo al Doppler. La LH y la FSH basales de los varicoceles grado 3 (de acuerdo a la clasificación clínica) fueron significativamente mayores (p < 0,05) que los del grupo control, sin embargo la respuesta de ambas gonadotrofinas al LH-RH así como los valores de T B y post. hCG no mostraron diferencias estadísticas con respecto a los controles. El hallazgo de mínimos cambios hormonales sólo en los varicoceles grado 3, así como el predominio de cuadros clínicamente leves (grado 1) observados en nuestro estudio, sugerirían la conveniencia de mantener a estos pacientes bajo control clínico, reservando el tratamiento quirúrgico para los varicoceles grado 3. Postal address: Dr. Hugo L. Fideleff, Unidad de Endocrinología, Hospital Alvarez, Aranguren 2701, 1406, Buenos Aires, Argentina Recibido: 1-XI-1995 Aceptado: 29-VIII-1996
Introduction Varicocele in the prepubertal stage is an unusual finding; some
authors have
been unable to detect this condition below the age of ten1, 2. We have
previously described3 the clinical and biochemical findings, as well as those
corresponding to scrotal Doppler in pubertal patients, reporting some alterations in
the dynamic responses of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T). Similar
findings have been reported by other authors2, 4, 5. Study of varicocele in earlier
stages could provide additional information about the natural history of this
condition. To this end, we have evaluated a group of prepubertal patients with a
diagnosis of varicocele confirmed by scrotal Doppler, in an attempt to correlate
the clinical, biochemical and circulatory findings, analyzing possible differences
between this group and that of the previously described pubertal patients. We have
also tried to confirm in prepuberty the different circulatory alterations
observed in the Materials and methods Sixteen prepubertal patients (testicular volume < 4 ml) with
unilateral left varicocele with a chronological age (CA) rante between 8 years 8
months and 13 years 10 months (mean: 11 years 1 month) were studied. All patients
were clinically classified according to the classification of
Dubin-Amelar6, in which grade 1 corresponds to the small varicocele (detected by Valsalva
maneuver), grade 2 to the moderate varicocele (detected by simple palpation), and
grade 3 to the large varicocele (palpable and visible). Doppler study was carried
out in both testes, both in the standing and supine positions, using Ultrasonic
Monitor Vascular Doppler (M V-1, Tecny Med. SRL, Buenos Aires) with 5-MHz Results Clinical findings <texto>Of 16 patients, 10 (63%) were grade 1 according to our adapted Dubin- Amelar classification: 2 (12%) corresponded to grade 2, and 4 (25%) to grade 3. The chronological age ranged between 8y 8m and 13y 1m for grade 1 varicoceles, between 9y 8m and 11y 3m for grade 2 varicoceles, and between 10y and 13y 10m grade 3 varicoceles. Doppler findings Prolonged reflux was observed in 6 patients (38%). Intermittent reflux was detected in 2 patients (12%), and permanent reflux in the remaining 8 (50%). The correlation between clinical and scrotal Doppler findings is shown in figure 1. Biochemical findings Patients with varicocele as a whole showed (Median and range): LH B
(mIU/ml) 0.40 (0.40-2.10); LH Mx.: 3.7 (1.1-15); FSH B (mIU/ml) 1.95
(0.40-4.5); FSH Mx.: 4.9 (3.1-10); T B (ng/ml): 0.2 (0.1-1.5); T post.hCG: 2.25
(0.82-11.5). The control group showed: LH B (mIU/ml): 0.4 (0.4-0.85); LH Mx.: 2.15
(0.63-12) FSH B (mIU/ml): 1.45 (0.4-3.0); FSH Mx.: 4.25 (2.6-5.9); T B (ng/ml):
0.1 (0.1- 0.3); T post hCG: 3.26 (1.0-5.6). Discussion The harmful effect of varicocele on the reproductive function is
well known, as well as the progressive worsening of this function as the patient
grows older7, 8, 9. Data available on adolescent patients provide no information about the
time at which this deterioration starts. Therefore, early endocrinological
evaluation could contribute to solve this question. We have undertaken the dynamic
evaluation of the hypotalamic-hypophyseal-gonadal axis in prepubertal patients with
varicocele, in order to determine possible alterations at this stage. No
pathological responses were found in this study to LH-RH, nor T modifications to stimulus
with hCG. In a previous report on adolescents we had described an increase of the LH
response to LH-RH in patients having bilateral varicocele, as well as an
increase of T to hCG in some patients with unilateral varicocele3. This lack of
agreement could be References 1. Steeno OP. Varicocele in the adolescent. In: Zorgniotti AW (ed).
Temperature and environmental effects on the testis. New York: Plenum
Press, 1991; 295-321.
Fig. 1.-- Varicocele prepuberal: correlación entre hallazgos clínicos, hormonales y del Doppler escrotal. TABLA1.-- Basal and maximal response of LH and FSH to LH-RH and Group n LH B LH Mx FSH B FSH Mx T B T post Clinical G2 2 0.4 3.0 0.40 3.9 0.1 0.86 G3 4 1.15 § 10.25+ 3.90 § 5.7 + 0.66 + 5.90 + Doppler Interm g 2 2.1 13 2.5 3.8 1.5 9.6 Perm x 8 1.10 + 5.85 + 2.80 + 5.45 + 0.20 + 2.25 + Control 8 0.40 2.15 1.45 4.25 0.10 3.26 * Values are median and range