FISIOPATOLOGIA DE LA PREECLAMPSIA RAUL MEJIA, ADRIANA SARTO Programa de Medicina Interna General, Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires; División Obstetricia, Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández; Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas, Academia Nacional de Medicina, Buenos Aires Palabras clave: preeclampsia, endotelio, hipertensión, preñez Resumen La
preeclampsia es una enfermedad que característicamente aparece sólo
durante el embarazo. Tiene una alta prevalencia en los países en
vías de desarrollo donde se constituye en la primera causa de muerte
materna. En la actualidad se considera Abstract Physiopathology
of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a disease which appears
only during pregnancy. It is highly widespread, and in the
underdeveloped countries is the leading cause of maternal mortality.
Nowadays it is considered a disease originated in the activation of
the vascular endothelium triggered by placental ischemia. The latter
is produced by a defect in the trophoblastic invasion of the spiral
arteries of the uterus. Genetic, immunologic and biochemical causes
have been postulated in the attempt to explain this defect in the
trophoblastic implant, but whatever the cause, the endothelial
activation produces several chemical mediators affecting the function
of all organs, Recibido: 27-IX-1995 Aceptado: 5-I-1996 Dirección postal: Dr. Raúl Mejía, Callao 875, 1023 Buenos Aires, Argentina.